
tiny b code, LLC
Based in Milldale CT USA

Founding date:
January 4, 2018


Press / Business contact:


App Store



Coffee Flight is an iOS action game where you throw coffee at people. Its mechanics were inspired by early NES and arcade games that were easy to pick up, but took practice to really excel.


tiny b code is a side project of developer Darren Lafreniere. After working on several AAA game titles (Bioshock, Bioshock Infinite, SWAT 4, Thief), Darren left the games industry to freelance and work on non-game-related tech.

Still in love with games, especially old NES games from his youth, he started Coffee Flight with the goal of executing a simple game design that could be finished by one person, part-time, with a high level of quality and polish for what it is. All engine and game code, pixel art, sound effects, and music were to be DIY. A good chunk of the game was done while drinking coffee in a cafe.

The Game

As a barista in a cafe full of impatient customers, you swipe to toss the appropriate beverages to each person. There are 9 beverages, each with their own unique mechanic and/or ability. For example, espressos knock customers back a bit, lemonade cools and slows them down, and lattes and ciders have AoE-like properties. Part of the challenge is learning how to effectively use certain beverages (especially later beverages such as hot chocolate and cappuccino), and another part of the challenge is switching to the correct beverage machines quickly enough. A set of upgrades, purchasable via the in-game currency, help you withstand the onslaught.

If any customer waits at your counter for more than a moment, they leave in a huff and you lose a heart. If you lose all your hearts, the cafe closes early and, in ranks 1 through 9, you must try the level again. In rank 10, you unlock the Rush Hour Challenge, where you put your abilities to the test and survive the customer horde as long as possible. A public leaderboard shows where you stack up against other players.


Getting a high score in the Rush Hour Challenge YouTube

Landscape Trailer YouTube

Portrait Trailer YouTube



If you have specific image requests, please contact me!


presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks